Cyber Intelligence Analyst


Congress has recognized the threat that thousands of cyberattacks and cyber espionage pose on the US everyday stating that cyberwars are being waged on the US businesses and the government from cyber predators around the world. Recent reports state that the impact of cyberattacks and cyber espionage on the US economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars annually and continues to grow. Corporate cyber crimes have become the number two focus of the FBI and The National Institute of Standards and Technology estimates that more than 700,000 new cybersecurity professionals in both the private and public sector will be needed in the US alone by 2015.

SESG is an industry leader in the development and delivery of a 44-hour certified cybersecurity intelligence analyst course preparing the student in both the public and private sector. The 8-hour course provides the awareness that could be utilized by IT teams, information officers, C-suite and middle level managers, technicians, forensic examiners, and policy analysts to name a few.

Both the SESG Cyber Intelligence Analyst 40-hour university certified course and the 8-hour awareness course have been designed by leading experts with more than 35 years experience in the cybersecurity profession.